For the past forty years, I have been conducting interviews with hundreds of women of the century. What I have discovered is that these women have very different definitions of themselves, but they all live by the same spiritual principles. This book is a remarkable collection of these interviews, as well as a history of the women who have come before. Through this book you will discover how these women lived their lives, what their spiritual principles were, and how their lives impacted the world around them.
“”Women of the Century”” is the first book to be published from a ground breaking team of researchers and experts, consisting of five female experts. These experts include: timelines, linguists, inventors, business executives, and scientists. Within “Women of the Century,” you will discover how these legendary women impacted history, their influence on today’s women, and the areas they each held prominent places in their respective careers. Along with an abundance of historical information and personal anecdotes, “Women of the Century” offers new perspectives on women and leadership, as well as a wealth of personal anecdotes, insight, research, and background.
A portion of the book includes a revealing look at the lives and times of Amelia Earhart, one of the most influential women in the early history of the United States. This fascinating woman managed to cross the Atlantic ocean between Europe and South America, traveling throughout the continent, and even all the way to Australia, where she established a colony. She is also considered the first trans-national woman, as she also visited Chile. During her short time in South America, Amelia Earhart lived in a small log cabin on a Buenos Aires beach, where she became known as “The Queen of the Pacific.” As you read about her life, you learn that she was deeply concerned for the welfare of all humans, particularly the poor and unfortunate members of her community. As a result, she made it a point to visit local schools, assist the poor, and speak out for the rights of these local people.
Another aspect of “Women of the Century” focuses on the contribution of famous women in the digital age that has become a part of our everyday lives. In particular, Google Trends reports that searches for the names of famous women are significantly higher now than they were in preceding years. In fact, Google searched for just these names: Oprah Winfrey, Sarah Palin, Condoleezza Rice, Butterfly Foster, Rosie O’Donnell, Tina Fey, Celine Dion, Pamela Anderson, Ann Perkins, Halle Berry, and Gloria Steinem. In addition, the book discusses the importance of social media for providing platforms for social interaction and political engagement. As we watch these prominent women achieve their goals, it becomes clear that this type of networking has far reaching ramifications for everyone. Google Trends additionally reports that searches for augmented reality, the term used to describe the use of holographic technology to create realistic computer generated images, is increasing.
The book talks about political activism, as the internet has provided a means to access information that was previously unavailable. In addition, Google Trends reports that searches for the terms “encyclopedia” and “encyclopedia information” are increasing. The political context of the 19th amendment’s twenty-first amendment provides an example of how its provisions can further empower women. As we noted in our book, the provision refers to equal protection under the law, which is the right to be treated equally in all cases by the state. It is likely that the inclusion of the twenty-first amendment in the Constitution will further benefit women in accessing information that might otherwise be denied them.
Google Trends also reports that searches for the terms “black lives Matter,” “cop killers,” and “killers of white men” are on the rise. Although no study has compared searches for the names of George Madison, James Madison, and Thomas Jefferson to Google’s “Women of the Century list,” the inclusion of these names provides additional evidence that Americans are embracing a more progressive, less exclusionary view of the role of government. Google’s new search function provides a way to find information not only about individuals but also specific topics, such as the nineteenth amendment. If searches for this particular wording increase, it is possible that more citizens will turn to the internet for their research needs. If Google’s recent changes continue to prove that they are committed to providing an inclusive experience, this view may grow into a trend. As social media continues to expand its influence over our culture, this trend will become even more pronounced.