This is an interdisciplinary book about women of the century. Author Sharla Bidwell uncovers stories from many historical and contemporary times. She interviews women from all walks of life, and each one tells her story with humor and grace. Interviews with trailblazers American women who reveal their amazing work done right in their community, and even more.
Sharla Bidwell places the voices of several famous women from the past, today network leaders, politicians, businesswomen and socialites into a portrait of the changing America. These pioneering women were there before Bidwell wrote her book, they listened to her stories, and even more importantly they responded to the message. She writes as if we were in the presence of these great women, as if we were privileged to know them, and as if she was able to walk among them as if they were her guests. It is truly an inspiring text about the changing America, and a valuable addition to any library.
The Women Of The Century contains a very revealing chapter on the 100th anniversary of the 19th amendment. Sharla Bidwell writes that after the Great Depression and the onset of World War II, many of the Greatest Ladies Of Our Day lost their homes and their ability to vote. Yet they did not lose hope and they helped to put the United States back on track by electing a man they felt could lead the country. Although she notes the glass ceiling for women had been shattered, yet the glass ceiling is still there, stronger than ever, for women of today.
Women Of The Century provides an excellent insight into some of today’s most influential women. A number of these prominent ladies received the National Woman of the Year award from President Clinton in 1993. Among those included: Oprah Winfrey, Lucy Stone, Florence Henderson, Betty Jo Crisler and Ann Taylor. Although only a part of the book, this particular chapter definitely shed some light on some of today’s most influential women.
Managing Editor: Martha Brill. This work is a very good read for anyone interested in history, in politics, in life, in women’s issues or in newspaper business. Martha Brill, who worked as an assistant to president Roosevelt during the early stages of his campaign for re-election, managed to bring a new perspective to the media. It was her belief that television news was not an effective way of conveying information. As a result, she managed to launch what is now known as the nightly news. Her book, Women of the Century, provides an insight into the lives of influential women and how they chose to manage their careers, their finances and their social lives.
Foreword: The author would like to thank everyone who has read her fascinating book Women Of The Century and shared it with their friends and family. She would also like to express her appreciation for those who have helped her over the years. Special thanks to Avi Frister, who arranged the reprint of this collection in paperback format and made it available to all interested American women. Special comments are due to Earl Nightingale, director; Victor Kiam, editor and Ruth Stone, copy editor. The United States publisher has agreed to withhold the first book in this series until all the reviews have been received.