Wellness is a discipline that focuses on your life-style and helps you to live a better life. It is not an optional exercise; it is a way of life. The main objective of Wellness is to achieve balance in all aspects of your life. It is not a fad diet or a series of supplements or meal substitutes. Wellness is an actual lifestyle, the pursuit of which leads to improved health and well-being.
Wellness is your intentional act of practicing good health practices on a regular basis in order to achieve better physical and psychological health results, thereby, allowing you to “outlive” yourself. Many key areas of your life are believed to be dimensions of well-being. These areas include but are not limited to, being social, spiritual, physically healthy, psychologically healthy, mentally healthy, emotional health, sleep quality and quantity, weight, alcohol or drug use, depression, self-esteem, stress, and many other aspects. In order to maximize your Wellness experience, it is important to practice wellness on all dimensions of these areas. This is achieved by a combination of daily Wellness practices, proper nutrition, and a positive mindset.
Practicing Wellness requires daily habits of the mind and body. First, it requires you to make an intentional decision to practice wellness. Your commitment to wellness begins the minute you decide to live better through better nutrition, regular exercise, and a positive mindset. It is essential to make a lifestyle change in order to experience the health benefits of Wellness. Therefore, it is imperative that you first commit yourself to changing your habits for health.
There are several dimensions of well-being, including but not limited to emotional well-being, physical well-being, vitality, and self-regulation. Emotional well-being is associated with your physiological responses to stress, your sense of achievement or failure, and your relationships with others. These dimensions are also influenced by environmental factors such as your social environment and your genetics. Physical well-being is associated with your organs, your daily routines, and your activities. Lastly, self-regulation is related to your attitudes and beliefs regarding food, weight, exercise, and your general health and well-being.
As you can see, the primary goal of Wellness is to promote total well-being through the promotion of physical health and physical activities. Wellness promotes mental health through the promotion of mental wellness (i.e. self-awareness and self-regulation). Finally, Wellness provides support to those who practice it, providing a sense of purpose and direction to their life.
The importance of Wellness practices for financial wellness is intertwined with the goals of Wellness itself. Financial wellness is an aspect of a person’s overall well-being. If your financial situation is not in good shape, then your sense of well-being is suffering. On the other hand, if your financial situation is excellent, then your sense of well-being is likely thriving! Thus, it makes sense that practicing Wellness can lead to a healthier financial situation. Therefore, you may want to consider implementing a few of the well-known habits associated with Wellness into your financial planning.