The Women Of The Century – Parton Vs Tennessee

Women Of The Century

The Women Of The Century – Parton Vs Tennessee

It seems as though the suffragists in the US are going to have more luck than we had in Tennessee. According to the New York Times, there was an effort to get a citizen into Congress by Tennesseeans who wanted the suffragist amendment to be passed the same day as the 19th amendment. The amendment failed by a vote of 34 to 36. This comes as a huge victory for the amendment’s champions and one that throw a wrench in the business community’s ability to push for corporate welfare.

The entire argument in favor of the 19th amendment was that poor white women in the US today were denied their right to vote, which in turn stripped them of all of the rights and freedoms that they had gained through the progress of the nation. By allowing women the right to vote, they would be able to gain all of the advancements that they had previously only been given on a governmental level. So, why did this happen?

The answer to this question is complicated, but we can point to several reasons. First, some feel that the expansion of the suffrage movement was not done properly. For example, it was not widely recognized at first, so many of the citizens of the United States felt that the expansion of the amendment was simply a way to make everyone equal under the law. Once the amendment was officially passed, it was widely accepted throughout the country, so many people didn’t even realize that the 19th amendment was a thing of the past.

Additionally, some feel that the expansion of the suffragists was not done evenly throughout the country. During the early years of the movement, African-American women made up the largest portion of the activist community. However, after the First World War, white women started to feel more empowered and pushed for the right to have a say over their reproductive rights. The second most influential women of the late 19th century were Tennessee women. They were able to draw the support of prominent men in the country for the expansion of reproductive rights, and they made sure that the 19th amendment passed with the majority of the southern states.

Finally, there is the issue of race during the course of the 19th century. African-American and European-American women were seen as very influential throughout the nation, and they made a lot of difference in the shaping of the amendments that were eventually passed. As a result, when you look at the official list of the influential women of the late 19th century, you see women such as Lucy Stone, Frances Morrison Lowe, Ida B. Wells, Anna Jarvis, Florence Nightingale, and Tennessee women’s delegate Betty Price. In short, these are some pretty incredible names that could easily make the list of the most influential women of the late twentieth century.

Clearly, parton was a powerful woman. She was no doubt a tireless worker for justice. She was no doubt an inspiration to many other working-class women of the late nineteenth century, especially those in the south. And she was clearly a friend to suffragists everywhere. It’s only fair to count her as such, because without Parton there wouldn’t be the National Woman’s Party, and women wouldn’t have the right to vote.