Race – What Makes Us Unique?

Commonly used to refer to all of mankind, the word ‘humanity’ encompasses all the generations of humankind as well as all the types and phases of humanity as it has evolved and changed through time. Early modern or early human is a term used to distinguish anatomically modern humans from archaic humans who existed before recorded history. Modern humans are a diverse race because they have spread across the world and are characterized by a common genetic blueprint and highly developed technologies.


There is no one single definition of what constitutes humanity, as each race has its own traits and characteristics that set it apart from all other races. However, some current definitions do still adhere to some general qualities shared by all races. It is a common belief that all human beings are a part of a larger group of species known as a species. This is supported by the evidence that all human beings, regardless of race, are related to a branch of the genus Hominidae that can be found both in humans and in animals.

Humanity has existed since the dawn of culture and wrote all of our oldest records. All forms of recorded history can be placed into one of three categories: antiquity, pre-classification, and race. The first two times our species existed on earth, it was nothing more than a small tribe of humanoids who populated a small portion of the ocean. Over time, as their numbers began to swell, they eventually became a fully fledged species that would eventually become the modern humans we know today. As we have evolved so did our population, and race came into being as another subdivision of the species. Today, race is still one of the most heavily used classification systems in the genealogical sciences.

Since there are so many subspecies of humankind, there are multiple possible combinations of genetic programs that could produce different results in humanity as a whole. For example, a mitochondria DNA ( mitochondria being the place where DNA is produced within the cells) combination that is passed from one female to her mate, the male must pass it on in order for it to be passed down to the next generation. This could produce humans with completely different characteristics than what their parents would have brought. In fact, there has been testing carried out that shows that this very scenario is possible. Even though the DNA has been manipulated somewhat, the results of the tests have still proved that humans are indeed different and that they do differ amongst each other.

When it comes to race, it has long been said that all races of mankind are equal. However, the results have proven that there are some differences between races. These differences have been proven to be especially noticeable in areas such as brain size, body structure, and overall intellectual capacity.

Humans have been in existence for quite some time, and we have been evolving for much longer than anyone realizes. The purpose of leaving all of these details up to science is so that future generations can study these various aspects of the species and attempt to figure out what exactly separates us from other creatures. In the end, all of us will be considered to be a part of this great experiment that has been done to make sure that all of Earth is able to survive. There is no doubt that our species is unique compared to all other forms of life, but we all share the same genes and a common ancestry with all of the other species on Earth.