Interpreting Wellness: The Dynamic Process of Healthy Living

Wellness and health go hand in hand, as both are related to your mental and physical well being. Wellness is the act of regularly practicing healthy habits on a regular basis to achieve better mental and physical health results, which in turn, enables you to live more comfortably and feel happier. How to know the importance of wellness? Well, to know the importance of wellness, it is essential to first understand what it is associated with.


The meaning of wellness can be seen in the dimensions of activity that one engages in. An active lifestyle that includes sports, dancing, working out at the gym, etc., all contribute to wellness. The dimensions of wellness can also be seen in the dimension of mental health, which consists of aspects such as mood stability, motivation, and sleep habits. A good night’s sleep is necessary to maintain a good mood. The dimensions of wellness and health can also be seen in the dimensions of a person’s physical health. It is important for one to engage in a regular exercise regime to maintain a fit body.

The dimensions of wellness and health can also be seen in the dimensions of emotional health, which is the result of engaging in meaningful activities, taking part in social events, and having high levels of self-esteem and personal confidence. Emotional wellness is essential to one’s emotional health, as negative emotions can cause physical health issues. The emotional dimension of wellness is often thought to involve the physical dimensions of being fit, as well. Emotional wellness can be measured through the dimensions of sleep, exercise, and depression. The six dimensions of wellness and health are important components of an effective mental, emotional, physical, and social health plan.

The spiritual dimension of wellness refers to any practices we engage in that promote a sense of connection with a higher power or other transcendent source. Spiritual wellness can be measured through any of the dimensions of environmental health: physical activities (such as exercise), spiritual reflection, interpersonal interactions, and social interactions. By integrating spiritual wellness with environmental wellness, we can address the threefold challenge presented by modern lifestyles.

The third dimension of wellness is the complete physical being. This dimension considers the physical, mental, and emotional being of an individual. By focusing on the complete physical being, we can better understand the concepts of environmental health, emotional health, and spiritual wellness. In terms of environmental health, an environmental wellness approach focuses on changing cultural patterns and behaviour, and reducing environmental harm through active involvement. An emotional wellness approach focuses on enhancing individuals’ happiness and wellbeing, while a spiritual wellness approach highlights life satisfaction as a key indicator of overall health.

The dimensions of wellness can be viewed from a variety of perspectives. These include scientific perspectives, sociological perspectives, and those drawn from different areas of expertise such as psychology, sociology, health, and counselling. Each perspective on wellness invokes different interpretations of wellness and their relative importance in the dynamic process of healthy living. Interpreting wellness therefore requires an understanding of the dynamic processes that go on between the dimensions of wellness.