A Review Of “Women Of The Century: A History Of American Womanhood” By Pamela Patterson

Women Of The Century by Pamela Hillman is a unique book in the sense that it is actually an autobiography of two very influential women of the late 19th century. These women were instrumental in the suffragette movement. However, they also had other accomplishments such as being the first black woman United States Senator from New York. I found that Hillman takes a positive approach to addressing issues like racism and sexism and deals with these topics head on. Therefore, this is a book that will make you think rather than just agree with what has been written.

Women Of The Century

The author chose to write this memoir because of her own personal experiences as a suffragette and later as a managing editor for a women’s magazine. I found that this was true of the many other biographies that I have read. The fact that Hillman shares her personal story is very valuable to those who are considering pursuing a career in the civil rights movement or in women’s studies. It reminds us that these women were not the first, but they certainly did stand out from the rest of their fellow women.

The book starts off by delving into why we need to keep up the fight for women’s rights. As explained by Hillman, we have entered into a new era where the civil rights of all have been threatened by similar efforts by big business. Women Of The Century provides a history lesson as to how these powerful forces are attempting to control our government. For those of us interested in augmented reality and the future of technology and artificial intelligence, this book is a must read.

Just as important is the way that Pamela Pat Patterson writes about important topics. Patterson is an excellent writing coach and this book contains some of her best work. I especially appreciate the way she uses personal anecdotes to illustrate her points. Patterson takes us back to the historical context of the 19th amendment and what it meant for women and America. This engaging read keeps readers interested in participatory democracy.

The third section of Women Of The Century looks at what the future might hold for women. Following the 19th amendment, women now have a broader political role in the nation. However, Patterson points out that just being a registered female is no longer enough. Women of the century must take on greater responsibility now that they are a major part of the citizenry.

There are many interesting areas of interest in Women Of The Century. This is an excellent book that takes us back to history and provides current insight into the changes that have occurred in civil rights over the last 100 years. If you are an American woman, I would highly recommend this text. Women Of The Century should be added to your library.